The BamBob cat is the deliberate hybrid of long-boned shortened Bambino cat, and the American Bobtail/Domestic Bobtailed cat and Sphynx outcross cat. The desired result of this combination is a hairless, short cat with a bobtail. They should have an athletic thick appearance and a gentle but lively, outgoing affectionate personality. BamBob’s are intelligent, friendly cats that are as active and agile and get along as well as any other cat with a full tail and long legs. They respond well to being handled and are very interactive, social cats.

The perfect BamBob cat has a two planed heat that is wedge shaped, longer than it is wide. The first plane behinds the head and the second begins just slightly forward of the ears. The ear line is even with the corner of the eye and set well onto the top of the head. The ears do not flare out to the side of the head, but rather continue the facial line and increase the upward sweep of the head topped off with lynx tipping. The BamBob has large almond shaped eyes that are slightly slanted and wide set. A short muzzle gives a square appearance when looked down on from the top. The nose is not Roman but smooth with a gentle stop and a firm chin lining up straight with nose.
The BamBob’s body has the overall appearance of strength and muscularity, and is not thin or whippy. It is well muscled with medium boning giving a stocky, very muscular overall appearance. The back is level with a slight rise in the back legs allowed but not desired. It has short, well-developed legs, having medium sized feet with well-defined toes and prominent knuckles. Finishing it off is a short, straight, mobile bobtail tail ideally around one inch in length.
The skin texture is very important to the BamBob. It has a wonderful feel of warm supple suede – extremely soft to the touch. The coat ranges from complete hairlessness to slight down but the texture is the most important factor. The BamBob may come in all colors or patterns.
BamBob litters produce both short-legged and long-legged kittens, as well as long tailed and bobtailed kittens. The litters then can produce a total of 4 different varieties of kittens within each litter; long legs with long tail; long legs with bobtail, short legs with long tail, and short legs with bobtail. The long legged bobtailed kittens are vital to the program as it is not approved behavior to breed short legs to short legs or bobtails to bobtails due to possibilities of genetic issues.