The Puppykat is a medium to large sized domestic cat which has a long, well-proportioned body. It characterized by three different mutations in the ideal cat. It has floppy (folded) ears, extra toes on the feet (polydactyl), and it has a short tail.
These cats are intelligent, calm, and playful. They adjust well to new situations and enjoy people. They can be easily trained to the leash and to fetch.
The head is medium to wide, with a strong muzzle. Eyes are round in shape. The ears are medium in size with a light flop. The gene for the ears comes from the Scottish Fold. It is a well-documented fact that a folded ear cat bred to a folded ear cat will produce some kittens homozygous for the folded ear gene, which causes a painful and life-threatening condition in these kittens. Therefore, flop eared to flop eared breeding is prohibited. Some kittens in the litter may have straight ears. These may be registered as Puppykats.
Legs are medium in length, with no deformity in the legs. The ideal specimen is polydactyl, with mitten feet proffered. All types of paws are acceptable with five to seven toes in the front and four to seven toes in the back. No double paws are allowed. The polydactyl gene is a dominant gene, so some “normal” footed kittens will be produced in litters. These are still registered as Puppykats.
The tail in the ideal specimen is a short tail, preferably between 1 1/2 inches and 2 1/2 inches in length. The short tail comes from the Manx gene, which is an incompletely dominant gene. Therefore, full-tailed kittens may be born in litters. These are still registered as Puppykats.
Puppykats come in both long and short hair. The coat is dense, thick, and soft. Puppykats come in all colors and patterns, but solids, smokes, torties, calicoes, and bicolors in the tux pattern are preferred.
Even though the ideal Puppykat has flop ears, extra toes, and a short tail, kittens may be born lacking some of these characteristics. Therefore, genetic codes will be used in the official registration numbers of Puppykats. For example, below is the registration number for a long haired, short tailed, flop eared, polydactyl Puppycat born on Feb. 18, 2005. Note that it is the first cat born on this date to be registered.
PPK SB 02182005 001 LH ST FE PD
The registration number is broken down as follows:
PPK – the three letter breed code for Puppykat
SB – stud book registered, which means the cat meets all registration guidelines
02182005 – the birth date of the cat
001 – the first cat with that birth date to be registered
LH – long haired, as opposed to short haired (SH)
ST – short tailed, as opposed to long tailed (LT)
FE – folded or flop eared, as opposed to straight eared (SE)
PD – polydactyl. A cat with normal feet receives no designation.
Using the codes above, another Puppykat born on the same date might be short haired, long tailed, flop eared, and have normal feet. It’s registration number would be:
PPK SB 02182005 002 SH LT FE
If you would like photos of your Puppykat featured here, please email us.