Attention: At this time registrations may take up to 30 days at times. Please take this into consideration and register your litters as soon as possible.
Corrections: All registrar errors must be claimed within 7 days of processing to be completed at the expense of registrar. Anything past 7 days must include a $10 correction fee. When requesting a correction, please include the form that needs correcting. Please strike/circle the issue and write the correction. Thank you.
Directions for filling out forms (failure to follow these directions will postpone completion of registration):
- Select and download the appropriate form, fill it out completely.
- Attach the form in an email to
- Attach a copy of your Paypal payment to the email.
- For a cat registration you only need to attach a copy of the litter registration.
- Send email with all the above. Feel free to contact me on Facebook if you have any issues.
- If you would like forms in Microsoft Word formatting, please just ask via email.
NOTE: To use the PDF format for downloads you must have Adobe Reader.
Click on link below for Free Adobe Download……….
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Instructions for filling out the PDF forms:
1. Open the pdf in Adobe Reader
2. On the top right of the task bar click the fountain pen icon (when you hover your mouse over the icon it displays (“Sign document”)
3. Double click your mouse cursor in each blank of the form to fill it in
4. When finished, click on File and Save As to save to your computer
5. Email saved document to
Breeding rights: Starting with all litter registrations dated after May 1, 2020 the breeder must sign the litter registration form to give breeding rights. This can be sent in using your camera from your phone, a scan app on your phone, or a regular scanner. This is to avoid pet kittens registered with breeding rights. As a reminder, you can list the gender as spay/neuter when registering your litters.
PDF Forms
Cat Registration (Without REFR Papers)