Jungle Cat hybrids are a cross between an African Jungle Cat and a domestic cat.
The 1st generation is referred to as “F1”. When you breed a pure African Jungle Cat with a domestic cat, the kittens are 50% Jungle Cat (wild). When you breed one of those kittens with another domestic cat, then you get 2nd generation kittens, “F2s”, which are 25% Jungle Cat. “F3″s are 12.5% Jungle Cat and “F4″s are 6.25%. All males are sterile until the F4 or F5 generation, and therefore cannot be used to breed.

The Jungle Curl cat is a curled eared wild cat hybrid. A cross between the African Jungle cat or Jungle cat Hybrid such as Chausie or Jungle bob and a curled eared domestic cat, either the American Curl, Highland lynx or a Canadian Hemingway Curl plus a mix of other genes from outcrosses to domestic shorthair cats such as the Serengeti, Bengal cats, Savannah, and Jungle cat hybrids.
Jungle Curls can either have Poly or non poly feet.
Depending on their breeding Jungle Curls can weigh anywhere from 8lbs to 25lbs at healthy weight and are more active, energetic and exploratory than many domestic cats.

These beautiful cats retain the intelligence and appearance of their wild ancestors, but the friendly personality of a domestic cat. They are active and need regular play and companion activities.
The Jungle Curl cat has been called almost dog like. They will play fetch, splash in the water and some cats even seem to guard the house by letting strangers know this is their territory.
As with all animals socialization is a key factor when looking for a Jungle Curl Kitten.