Rare and Exotic Feline Registry (REFR)
Notice: Due to the increases in costs of hosting, website platform Paypal fees etc., REFR is forced to increase the prices.
To make a payment, please click on the appropriate button below. Please allow up to 4 weeks for processing. We ask for your patience and will respond to your request as soon as possible! ALL PAYMENTS MUST BE MADE VIA PAY PAL. Payments outside the United States must be made in US funds.
*If you are paying for more than one item, please be sure to select the “CONTINUE SHOPPING” option on the upper right corner of the PayPal screen.
Fees for Services
1. Cattery Registration (One-time fee) …………………………………………………………………….Pay $75.00
2. Cat/Kitten Registration with REFR litter registration (with certificate sent via e-mail)………..Pay $13.00
3. Litter Registration with both parents REFR registered (with certificate sent via e-mail)……….Pay $13.00
4. Cat/Kitten Registration from different Registry w/pedigree (certificate sent via e-mail)……..Pay $20.00
5. Cat/kitten registration from a different registry without a pedigree…..…..pay $25
6. Cat/kitten registration with no registration…………………………………………………….….pay $50
7. Addition of Cattery Suffix or Prefix To Existing Name (with certificate sent via e-mail)……..Pay $10.00
8. Transfer of Ownership (any feline with certificate sent via e-mail)………..Pay $13.00
9. Duplicate or Correction of any Document (by owner) (with certificate sent via e-mail)………..Pay $10.00
10. New Breed Application……………………………………………………………………………………………………Pay $100.00
11. 3-Generation Pedigree (if available) (with certificate sent via e-mail)……………..Pay $35.00
12. 5-Generation Certified Pedigree (if available) (certificate sent via e-mail)…..Pay $65.00
13. Adding Ancestor Records to Pedigree (Per Ancestor)……………………………………………..Pay $4.00
14. Breeding Cat Lease Agreement…………………………………………………………………………………………Pay $13.00
*Be sure to Click the “CONTINUE SHOPPING” option on Paypal if you want to add more than one item to your cart!!!!!
If you have questions please Contact Us: RareExoticFelineRegistry@gmail.com